
Organizers: David Roberts (Event Director), Bogi Gyorfi (Host)

Map: University of Calgary

Thank you, David R, for some excellent sprint courses on a lovely remapped section of the map! It was a great way to start the season. It was also terrific to see so many old friends and new faces out orienteering! Thank you to the volunteers: Jane, Christin, Jonathan, and Artem. Thanks, too, to Bogi for a well-attended Try-It event!

2023 Wednesday Evening Orienteering (WEO) Series

The first event starts with a -Free Try-It for anyone who wants to try orienteering and a regular Wed event for the returning members (see below details.)

Regular FWOC members, please use the registration button on the side to sign up for individual events. Or purchase the WEO Season Pass (information on the home page).

Location and Parking

The check-in, start, and finish are just north of the CCIT Building on the north end of Collegiate Place NW at the north end of campus. There is free parking available in research park, just across 32 Ave NW to the north. You can park for free on the street after 6pm and then cross at the pedestrian light at the intersection of 33 Street NW and 32 Ave NW. The closest parking on campus (payment required) is the northeast corner of UofC Lot 11 (off Collegiate Place NW).

Courses & Terrain

The terrain is 99% manicured grass or paved walkways and paved roads. The campus is very dry and fast running. Best of all, there is virtually no construction underway anymore! This means we have two brand new sections of map that were non-expertly (fair warning) mapped just for this event.

  • Beginner: Short (1.5-2 km), distinct handrails, basic route choice, strong attack points and catching features.
  • Intermediate: Longer (2.5 – 3.5 km), slightly more complex route choices, a few direction changes, some on-campus road and parking lot crossings.
  • Advanced: Long (4 or more km), complex route choices, multiple direction changes, frequent on-campus road and parking lot crossings.

TRY-IT participants- register here

For new participants register here:

We need to know how many maps to print and you can sign the online waiver.

After you signed up at this Google form you will receive an email a day before the event to remind you of the start location. The location also can be seen on the map below.

(For one free Try-It event, you don't need to sign up for the Regular registration, but if you decide to come back for more sessions, you will need to join the FWOC Club or pay for a single drop-in fee.)

What to expect?
  • You will receive a brief instruction.
  • You can try a couple of learning activities
  • You will get a map and head out for a self-lead mapwalk/ run to try a beginner-orienteering course. All of this would take around 1 hour.


(sign up at the link provided on the side button)

  • Regular orienteering on Wednesday evenings - this means in-person with control flags and SI units in the terrain from 6:30-8pm on the day of the event.
  • At this point we are anticipating 23 events but this number is dependent on volunteer course planners. At this point we have 20 pplanned..
  • You will need an SI stick; you can borrow one from the club on the night of the event if you do not own one.
  • You will have to pre-register for the events.
    • You can pay for each session separately
    • You can sign up for the Wednesday Evening Orienteering (WEO) series pass and get a significant discount.
  • The last day to register for each Wednesday event is the Monday evening before it to guarantee we have a map printed for you.
  • You will need to be a 2023 member of Foothills Orienteering (FWOC), a 2023 member of another Canadian orienteering club, or purchase a “day of the event membership”.
  • We will be using Maprun6 so, if you registered for the event, you can run anytime if you do not want to run on the evening of the event.
  • There will be about 20 Wednesday Evenings in the series.

Wednesday Orienteering Payment Options

There are two ways to pay for the Wednesday Evening Orienteering (WEO) events:

  1. You can pay for each event separately, as late as the Monday before the event. Each event costs $5 per participant.
  2. You can purchase a WEO Season Pass for $50 and pay for all the events at one time. You DO NOT have to attend all the events but if you might attend 11 or more then the WEO Season Pass is a good deal for you. If you know what events you will miss (because of vacation, for example), you can ask for a pdf of the map and run another time.
  3. The family discount does not apply to the WEO Season Pass. The family discount (which you get when registering for individual events) is the better deal for very large families. The WEO Season Pass is the better deal for families of three if you plan to attend 12 + events. The WEO Season Pass provides a better discount for a family of four if you think you will all get to 15+ events
  4. The WEO Season Pass only applies to Wednesday events; it does not apply to forest or championship events not hosted on a Wednesday.

Registration for individual events and the WEO season pass will open soon.

NOTE: After having registered for an event, you can make changes to your course selection on the Interpodia website. Login. Go to "Event Registrations" section in the menu on the left side of the screen. Click on the “Manage” button on the event you want to revise. Click view/edit registration. Click on the edit button on Course Selection. Revise your selection there; for example, if you won't be able to attend unexpectedly, you can choose to get a map PDF instead.

Orienteering relies on volunteers. Consider volunteering on a regular basis to help make orienteering happen in Calgary. We need volunteers to plan courses, to help with sign-in and check out, to be the "Ask Me" Volunteer (explaining the event/orienteering to the general public at the site) or to pick up controls afterwards. Consider volunteering every fourth or sixth time you run. Please lend a hand if you can. Email [email protected] for more information or to volunteer.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun4964 (all one word)