COC training event
October 6th 2013 10:00am
Organizer: Karen Martino (Event Director)
Karen Martino: Just a reminder of the orienteering training event that I am planning for this coming Sunday Oct. 6. I have had a good response from people which is great. I was out on the map on Fri. and it is great! Lots of good contour practice for sure! For any kids coming out, the paths have been used extensively for horse back trips and they are very muddy! Also, just a note, there were several “signs” of bear activity in the area although I did not encounter any on Fri. This may be something to keep in mind especially for those with youth coming out on Course 2. I will be ready to go for 10:00 Sunday morning and I will allow starts between 10:00 and 12:00. That should give people ample opportunity to get out on the courses. The finish will be about 500m from the public parking area. It is an open area so a good spot to leave stuff for the end of your run. You will walk right past the finish area on the way to the start. I will send out a map of how to get to the start within the next few days. Remember, it is a 2 km walk/hike/jog to the start so give yourself time. (Warm up time, remember!) Don’t expect to arrive at the parking area by 12 and then be able to still run the course!!!! As always, if anyone would like to help pick up controls I would accept any offers! This is a “barebones training event”. There will be no SI timing. Most flags on the Course 5 will be “smaller” training controls so be aware of what you are looking for, most will be “hanging” from tree branches in/on the feature. I will put the regular controls out for Course 2. Please let me know if you have any questions. I plan to print maps on Fri. evening so let me know if you want to join in and haven’t already contacted me. If you have map bags, please bring them!