TNT Trivia O Toques & Training series
January 28th 2015 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Organizer: Marion O (Event Director)
Trivia O from my house on Wednesday. Bring pencil, watch and headlamp. Score format, self timed. Mostly the roads and sidewalks are bare but do watch out for icy sections. Back alleys are very icy so avoid! I checked out the trivia questions today and my route was almost 10k - so maybe I should make the time limit 90 minutes :)
4839 Nordegg Crescent NW which is off North Haven Drive which goes east from 14th St NW opposite the Police Station and the Winter Club
Home phone: 403-282-5098
My cell: 403-874-5098
PLEASE, reply to this email, or sign up on line, so that I know how many 'maps' to print