Club night at Gord's Running Store Canada Cup Event
June 28th 2016 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Organizer: Marion O (Event Director)
FWOC Club Night at Gord's Running Store, 919 Centre St NW!
Gord has booked the Salomon, Inov-8 and Icebug reps to come as well as the 'Beet Juice' lady! The shoe reps will have their fleets of shoes so you can try them out and go for a run - except for the studded shoes (not good on Calgary streets). So this is a really good chance to try out some different shoes! There may also be info on Suunto (watches and compasses)
There will be draw prizes (including shoes!) and Gord has kindly offered a 10% discount on all regular priced stock. Maybe some other specials :) He will have extra staff on hand both before and after the orienteering event!
So come for 6:30pm and stay for the orienteering at 7pm, probably a score event, and have the chance to get new gear afterwards as well. If there's interest, we could copy the Roadrunners and go to a pub afterwards! (let me know on that!) The regular Tuesday night runners will be there and will have the option of trying some orienteering as well - might need some help there.
For those of you who don't know Gord, he has run a small independent running store for about 30 years. He has always been very kind in sponsoring orienteering events and contributing to the HPP Silent Auction. Looking forward to a good turnout on Tuesday, June 28th. Mark it on your calendar!