Forest Training for Intermediate to Advanced Orienteers Training
May 14th 2017 10:00am - 12:00pm
Organizer: Damian Konotopetz (Coach)
Forest navigation / orienteering skill development sessions in forests within a 75 minute drive of Calgary. Join us if you would like to orienteer in the forest more often. Each training session will consist of 15-20 minutes of instruction at 10 AM prior to sending participants out onto the course for the training exercise. Damian will try to touch base as each participant finishes the training to provide them with specific comments and feedback based on their comments.
The training exercises would often consist of loops and the coach would check in with the orienteers between loops to observe and provide advice on how to improve for the next loop. This also allows participants to do fewer or more loops depending on their fitness and technical ability. Other times there will be one long training with options to cut shorter for those who don't want the full distance.
- 10 AM - Noon, 9 Sunday mornings starting April 16 except the Sunday of the long weekend in May.
- Sandy McNabb, route choice exercise.
- Turn left (South) into Sandy McNabb campground and take the first left into the paking lot. (see map at bottom of the page)
- Intermediate course consisting of 3 loops. 1.9km, 2.8km, and 2.6km
- Advanced course 10.5km with many options to cut off and make it shorter.
For Whom?
Participants (16+) will be expected to be able to complete a course 4 on a Wednesday night event or be comfortable navigating off trail for an entire orienteering course by themselves.
How much does it cost and how do I sign up?
- $15/session; pay on-site each session.
- Sign up on each Sunday webpage so Damian knows how many maps to print.