Bonus Training Event Training
November 5th 2017 10:00am - 12:00pm
Organizers: David Roberts (Event Director), Teresa (Host)
Map: Bowness Park + Baker Park
While most of the club is away at the AOA retreat, those of us who are left behind in snowy Calgary can still get out for a run.
This will be a SOGO Level 3 training event, but as we expect thin attendance, we're inviting any other club members who are looking for extra training to attend also.
The event will take place in Baker Park. This is the park just across the river from Bowness Park (see map).
Please arrive and be ready to run for 10am! I've got two mass-start activities planned that should take us right to 12pm, so we need everyone to be ready to go on time!
Event will be informal: no SI or timing, just running and snow.
Cost will be $5 for FWOC members and free for SOGO Level 3 athletes. You must be an FWOC member to attend (for insurance).
I'll be printing maps Saturday evening or Sunday morning, so you have until Saturday afternoon to sign up.