Elbow Bluffs RESULTS! Forest Event
May 27th 2018 12:30pm - 4:30pm
Organizers: David Campden (Course Planner), Marion O (Controller), Marsha Fehr (Event Director)
Map: Elbow Bluffs
Course Information:
Beginner: 1300m, 15m climb, 6 controls, all on trails
Novice: 2300m, 40m climb, 9 controls, all close to trails. Some route choice
Intermediate: 3700m, 150m climb, 12 controls, many off trail on obvious contour features. Some off-trail travel required. Compass essential
Short Advanced: 3610m, 155m climb, 12 controls, many on subtle features. Mostly off trail using compass bearings and contours
Long Advanced: 5750m, 260m climb, 17 controls
Note that on this course, there is a large area of clear-cut that is not mapped. The best route choice does not require you to enter this area!
Maximum allowed time on course is 2 hours! All courses close at 4.30 pm. The last start is at 2.30 pm.
- This event is part of the weekend-long Alberta Orienteering Skills Clinic. Clinic participants do not need to register separately for this race.
- If you aren't taking in the Alberta Orienteering Skills Clinic, you are still welcome to take part in this race. Register using the link above. After May 18, you will be able to register on-site; please let us know in advanced (email [email protected]) to be assured of a map.
The closest parking to the trail-head leading to the registration area is on the North side of the road. If this lot is full (it probably will be), use the parking lot on the south side of the road. Washrooms are available in both parking lots.
It is about a 10 to 15 minute walk along a large trail to the registration and start areas.
Pre-race Intro - "All the basics you need to know"
If you have been orienteering in the city but never in the forest and can not join the weekend-long skills camp, consider coming out a little bit early to join a "all the basics you need to know" forest orienteering clinic. We will offer the 30-minute clinic at 11AM in advance of the noon race start. The clinic is free to race participants.