Annual General Meeting and Social
January 15th 2019 5:15pm - 8:30pm
Organizer: David Roberts (Host)
FWOC will host its Annual General meeting at St. Andrew's Heights Community Hall.
There will be fun orienteering event (~3 km) starting at 5:15PM and then a potluck. Please bring a dish to share.
We'll do our best to avoid the icy alleys, but please bring appropriate footwear. It will be icy!
The AGM will start at 6:30.
Remember that you must be a 2019 club member to attend (and vote) at the AGM. Please purchase your 2019 membership online before the meeting!
Please add your name if you plan to attend the FREE pre-meeting event so we know how many maps to print.
Please add your name to the MEETING ONLY event below if you plan to attend the meeting but not the event
You can download a copy of the 2018 Annual Report