Organizers: Michael Svoboda (Course Planner), Robert Svoboda (Event Director)

Map: Nose Hill (1:15,000)


This week will be a slightly different type of orienteering event compared to the standard 3 courses. We will have the Danish coaches (Astrid and Jeppe) present, they will help conduct an O-Interval training with a mass start at the beginning that will simulate relay races. Otherwise if you're late then you can start whenever you want.

There will be 2 levels of difficulty, (easy and advanced), with 3 and 4 loops respectively. There will be some rest time between each loop to wait for most of the group who mass started to get back and to discuss routes and strategies with Jeppe and Astrid. Participants can run all or only some of the loops.

Total running distance for:

Advanced - 4km

Easy - 2.4km

Important Notes:

- Bring control description holders because there will be many controls in a small area and it will be easy to mis-punch, so CHECK YOUR CONTROL DESCRIPTIONS!!!!!!


All participants must have a 2019 FWOC Membership:


  • $5.00/map
  • A Season Pass: $55 (all 16 Wednesday night events)
  • SOGO Spring 2019 or Fall 2018 participants are free!

Please Volunteer!

No experience needed. Please sign up (on the right) to help with registration, timing, or control pick up. We will make sure you have a chance to race as well. Thank You!

Please sign up for courses and/or volunteering on this page as early as possible so we know how many maps to print. We will have a few extras for people who don't sign up beforehand.


Course Maps

Timing (2)

Control Pickup (4)




Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun3848 (all one word)