Stanley Park - Results - #1 self-guided activity Wednesday Evening series
April 28th 2021 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizers: Andrew McLaren (Course Planner), Tim McLaren (Controller), Kitty Jones (Assistant), Marsha Fehr (Membership)
Map: Stanley Park
Thank you to Andrew, Tim and Kitty for the terrific courses. Thanks to all the orienteers who were great about helping make it safe for everyone. Beautiful day and a great run! We had a turn out of about 60 people spread out over 6 hours, so very COVID compliant! Nice to see SOGO athletes on the course! If you'd like your results included in the list, please email the [email protected] address. The second photo shows the routes of two of the top runners from the advanced course:) You can see the routes from the respective courses for all who used the MapRun6 app here: Advanced, Intermediate, Beginner
Course Controller's Notes:
Thanks everyone for making this a great training, and special Kudo's to Andrew for an outstanding long-Sprint format that kept everyone on their toes.
Thanks Marsha for compiling results for this training. Note that the MapRun app results for this training were not reliable due to many many glitches in the way the app handled the controls in this race. For the most reliable results for the advanced course, you need to click on the map above to view the GPS details and calculated splits. The GPS tracks are accurate, but not the rerun animations. The splits for those who recorded their run in MapRun6 appear reliable except for the Finish control. The GPS splits can be found at You need to ignore the last Finish column because it recorded several people as taking 15 minutes to run the 15-20 seconds from Control 27 to Finish.
Looking at the Times to get to Control 27, we would have:
- Kath 28:31* (time to the finish control, but not recorded on GPS so maybe an error?)
- Tim 30:36* (Controller for event, so would have visited many of the control locations previously)
- Oleg 30:55* (ran the Intermediate course beforehand with several common controls)
- Robyn 31:38
- Gavan 31:43
- Clarence 32:37 (to the finish control)
- Jonathan 34:13
- Don B 39:59
- Christin 40:22 (to the finish control)
- Teresa 42:25
- You MUST pre-register for a time-slot at least one day before the event (see below).
- On the day of the event, you must Submit a completed Individual Declaration of Health for each attendee (only valid for the day the form is submitted).
Course Info:
Beginner: 1.1km - A easy course for those new to orienteering. Simple navigation with lots of handrails. The course does not cross any roads or leave the park.
Intermediate: 2.1km - This course incorporates route-choice as part of the challenge as well as some off-trail controls. The course does not cross any roads or leave the park.
Advanced: 4.6km - This course is similar in difficulty to the intermediate but is longer and offers some urban orienteering and more complex route-choices. The course crosses many roads and goes outside the park.
The courses are on MapRun6. If the link from the email doesn't work; you can find the maps under events, Canada, Alberta, Calgary, 2021 Wednesday events. The code for each course is in the email too.
Course Sign Up:
Due to insurance and Alberta Health requirements, you must pre-register for a timeslot and map using the link to the signup sheet that will be emailed to you if you are a Member and have a Season's Pass. We can not accept on-site registrations this season.
Info for SOGO Members and Parents:
SOGO Adventure Running members should email [email protected] if they do not receive the signup sheet link. Current registrants in a SOGO program have a non-voting annual membership and Season's Pass to Foothills Orienteering. Parents are not automatically members unless they are registered in a parented Squirts program. Parents need to sign up for a Foothills Orienteering membership if on the course with their children but they do not require an additional season pass if sharing the same map. Note that we are unable to provide supervision or coaching at the event, so parents or guardians must purchase a membership if they want to accompany their child on the course.
Membership and Season's Passes:
If you do not have a Membership and Season's Pass, you can purchase one at 2021 FWOC Membership and Program Registration.
A Season's Pass entitles you to a free map at each Wednesday Event for one half or one full season (we plan to hold ~24 weekly events in the full season). Special events will have an additional fee (Solstice BBQ, Spook-O, Forest Events). When you register on Zone 4 (link above), if you are already a 2021 member, click "no" to buy a membership and continue on in the registration form.
If you register for Navigation 101, do NOT purchase First Half Pass as this is included in the cost of the program. Consider purchasing the Second Half Pass if you want to orienteer for the full season.
Event Info:
- There will be pin flags in the terrain for the intermediate/advanced course on the Wednesday from 2 - 8 pm. Do NOT touch the pin flags or control flags (as a COVID precaution). You can have a pdf of the map emailed to you if you would like to run between 2 - 6:30 pm.
- The Beginners' course will be set up from 6:30 - 8 pm; the organizer or a volunteer will be available to provide an introduction or instruction in orienteering as needed. Maps will be available for pick-up during this time. If you have never orienteered before, please sign up for one of our Try-It events in our calendar.
What you Need to do on the Day of the Event:
Here is what you need to do as early as possible on the day of the event (but continue to monitor your health throughout the day and do not attend if you are feeling unwell):
- Submit a completed Individual Declaration of Health for each attendee (only valid for the day the form is submitted). You can also find this form on
- Read the guidelines for participation in Foothills Orienteering Club Events during pandemic. Important points in these guidelines include:
- If you have any COVID-19 symptoms or have had close contact with someone with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, stay home.
- Practice physical and social distancing including 2m separation from people not within your family or cohort.
- Bring your own supplies including water as none will be provided.
- Consider wearing a mask when not out on course.
- Eliminate contact with communal surfaces at the start and finish areas.
- Do not touch orienteering flags or ribbons.
- Please be sure to follow basic personal hygiene rules and wash/sanitize your hands before and after being on a course.
- Follow the event organizer’s event specific rules and measures to reduce the risk of contacting or spreading Covid19.
- Prepare to bring your own hand sanitizer to the event and consider wearing a mask when not on course to protect yourself and others. We will have some sanitizing and personal protective equipment for our volunteers to use as needed, but please bring your own sanitizer, mask, water, and any other equipment you feel would be helpful to protect yourself and others.
- Remember that everyone sees the risks and rewards of outdoor sport during a pandemic differently, so please err on the side of caution and help ensure that everyone at the event (especially the general public) is comfortable with the measures you are taking to ensure physical distancing and personal hygiene.
During the event, please help us accommodate everyone. Do not show up early or linger after your course is done. If you signed up for an evening timeslot, please check in and out with the volunteer who will have a printed map available for you. If you have any orienteering questions, please wait until a volunteer is free to assist you and always ensure proper distancing, sanitizing, and masking protocols.