Connop Creek Forest Orienteering Training
June 6th 2021 1:00pm - 4:00pm
Organizers: Kitty Jones (Course Planner), Marsha Fehr (Event Director)
Map: Connop Creek (Camp Horizon near Bragg Creek)
Thanks to the organizers, Kitty, Marsha and Teresa, for a job well done! Thank you to everyone who helped pick up controls: Gabrielle, Clarence, Teresa, Christin, Lourdes, Mike H, Calvin and Mike N. Thanks to coaches Nicki and Marsha! Orienteers had fun on the course despite the downpour and the hail! Andrew finished the Long Advanced course in the afternoon in an impressive time of 41:41! Participants in Forest Navigation reported feeling please with the news skills they learned.
Morning training for urban orienteers new to the forest:
Forest Navigation, a program for orienteers new to the forest, will run in the morning. This program will offer coaching; participants will practice orienteering techniques to help them become confident in the forest. (One space left)
Afternoon forest orienteering:
FWOC is offering a forest orienteering opportunity for intermediate and advanced orienteers on the Connop Creek map at Camp Horizon in the afternoon on June 6. Participants must be comfortable on their own in the forest with a limited number of paths. Kitty has planned the courses. There will be pin flags/clothes peg flagging in the terrain. There may be control flags in some situations. No coaching. $10 / participant.
- Start window: 1 - 2pm.
- Course closing: 4 pm.
- Maximum time on course: 2 hours
- Long Advanced - 4.7km, 145m elevation gain.
- Short advanced - 3.8km, 115m.
- Intermediate - 3.3km, 110m
Maps will be picked up from Marsha's car (in the parking lot).
All participants must be members of FWOC (which includes SOGO) or another Canadian orienteering club. Pre-registration is required for both events through the FWOC Membership and Registration form. Register by Saturday at noon.
Mandatory Covid Declaration Must Be Completed on the Day of the Event:
- Submit an Individual Covid-19 Declaration of Health form online (must be submitted for each event attendee on the day of the event)
Parking for both activities: 
Parking is at Camp Horizon (as indicated on the map); however, there is no access to buildings there.