Results! North Glenmore Park Farsta - WEO #20 Wednesday Evening series
September 6th 2023 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizers: Rob Brown (Event Director), Tim McLaren (Controller)
Map: North Glenmore Park and Lakeview
Thank you to all our amazing volunteers tonight: Rob, Tim, Tori, Colleen, Jonathan, Mark, Erin, Marsha, Clarence, Ewan, Suzanne (and apologies to anyone I missed).
Split times are not posted on this one due to all the potential combinations of loops you might have done and also Tim not knowing how to set up the advanced features of the timing software for this which he blames mostly on lack of ability to read Svenska.
The following shows the order of finishers of the Novice course, the full 4 loops of the Farsta race, as well as some results for people who completed less than 4 loops. Note: the Time lost column is not accurate for the Farsta due to the nature of the loops.
Event Information
Location and Parking:
- This week's WEO will take place at North Glenmore Park east of the tennis courts and north of the road.
- Plentiful free parking is available at North Glenmore Parking Lot B or nearby parking areas if that one is full.
- The check-in table and Start/Finish are just north of the parking lot and east of the playground.
- Pre-registration using the registration button on this page is required.
- The road and parking lots will be out of bounds for the event.
- Please be mindful of other park users, especially around the playground.
Course Options:
- Novice/Beginner (1.2 km, mostly on or near trails around the duck ponds)
- Start on your own between 6:30-7:30pm and make sure you check back in before 8pm or we will start a lost runner search.
- Mass Start Intermediate/Advanced Farsta Course (1.5 to 5km, mostly flat park and trails with scattered trees)
- 4 different loops of ~1km each, each loop returns to the starting point and is on a different map page.
- Requires only basic to intermediate-level navigation skills, but the chaos of everyone running on similar but different loops at the same time means you have to read the map carefully to make sure you are not going to the wrong control!
- Expect to go 5km for the full 4 loops. If you want to shorten it, you should punch finish and return to the check-in table after completing 1, 2, or 3 of the ~1km loops and we will post the results separately for those doing less than the full 4 loops. Make sure to check back in before 8pm even if you haven't finished the full 4 loops.
- Text and symbolic control descriptions will on the map (no separate control descriptions). Make sure you check the control code number on the top of the control you punch matches the control code in the control description. If you punch the wrong control, just go punch the correct one and continue.
- Farsta instructions will be given at 6:55pm sharp and everyone will start at the same time after instructions.
- Please arrive close to 6:30pm to give us time to check everyone in before the mass start.
- You must check back in at the table before 8pm whether or not you have completed all the loops.
Mass Start Farsta Details (will be explained at 6:55pm):
- For the Mass Start, you will be randomly given one of the 3 loops to start with (A, B, or C) but do not look at the map until the race starts and do not let other people know which map you have (so they don't try to follow you!).
- After completing a loop, you will drop your map in a box and choose a map for a loop that you haven't done. After completing your first 3 loops, you then take the Loop D map for your final loop.
- Check carefully that the control number matches the one on your map because there are a lot of controls close together and with people completing different loops at the same time, it would be very easy to follow someone to the wrong control.
- There are no start controls to punch. Each start and finish is at the same location shown as a triangle and double-circle on the map.
- Do not punch the Finish control when you finish a loop. Instead, get a different map until you complete all loops and then punch the Finish control.
- The Finish control will be slightly off to the side under the Finish banner. Do not go near the Finish banner until you have completed all the loops or if you need to stop earlier. If you have a SI-Air finger stick, it may record a Finish if you are within 1-2m of the Finish control so don't go near it unless you want to finish the event.
- You must punch the finish control before 8pm and check-in even if you have not completed all the loops. If not checked in by 8pm, we will initiate a lost runner search.
Contactless SI-Air SIAC Finger Stick Notes
- Contactless SI-Air SIAC finger sticks are available to borrow at check-in. If not returned, you must pay $100 to replace them or $50 if borrowing a regular SI finger stick.
- These are super fun to use in a fast-paced event such as a mass start, because you just need to wave your stick within ~1m of the control to punch it, rather than having to carefully insert a non-SI air finger stick into the hole. They are faster and you don't need to wait in line to punch a busy control.
- When punching with a SIAC, the control will not beep or flash, instead your SIAC will beep and flash. As you run away from the control, hold the stick near your ear and/or look to see the tip flashing to make sure that the punch was recorded. In rare cases that it doesn't beep, try to punch again and if that doesn't work, insert the stick into the control until the control beeps and flashes like with a regular SI stick.
- The contactless SI-Air function is only turned on if you punch the Clear and Check controls. The stick should beep when you have punched the Check control properly, so try it again to be sure.
- Don't get within 2m of the Finish control unless you really want to finish the course. For the Farsta course, this means don't go to the Finish banner until you've completed all your loops.
2023 Wednesday Evening Orienteering (WEO) Series
- Regular orienteering on Wednesday evenings - this means in-person with control flags and SI units in the terrain from 6:30-8pm on the day of the event.
- You will need an SI stick; you can borrow one from the club on the night of the event if you do not own one.
- You will have to pre-register for the events.
- You can pay for each session separately
- You can sign up for the series and get a discount
- The last day to register for each Wednesday event is the Monday evening before it to guarantee we have a map printed for you.
- You will need to be a 2023 member of Foothills Orienteering (FWOC), a 2023 member of another Canadian orienteering club, or purchase a “day of the event membership”.
- There will be about 20 Wednesday Evenings in the series.
NOTE: After having registered for an event, you can make changes to your course selection on the Interpodia website. Login. Go to "Event Registrations" section in the menu on the left side of the screen. Click on the “Manage” button on the event you want to revise. Click view/edit registration. Click on the edit button on Course Selection. Revise your selection there; for example, if you won't be able to attend unexpectedly, you can choose to get a map PDF instead.