Paskapoo Slopes WEO - Results are posted Wednesday Evening series
July 24th 2024 6:30pm - 8:00pm
Organizer: Oleg Tabelev (Event Director)
Map: Paskapoo Slopes
Results are published.
Thank you all for venturing out tonight to the FWOC Paskapoo Slopes WEO event. The evening started on a mellow note: sunshine, blue sky, and very breathable air, when Marsha and Oleg ran off to set up O-courses. However, the forest fire smoke situation deteriorated quickly, and by 9 p.m. when we packed out, one could taste the bad air.
Kudos to those who showed up and ran it easy, and to those who listened to their common sense and sat the smoky and hot hills out.
Thanks to all volunteers who made the event happen: Elena T. and Kathryn B. (setup and registration), David R. (controller), Jan R., Nicky R., Tim M., Marion O, David C. (course/event takedown), and especially Marsha F. who shadowed the event director from start to finish.
Event Description
This event offers three regular orienteering maps: Beginner (2.2 km long, elevation gain 75 m), Short Intermediate (3.3 km, 175 m), and Long Intermediate/Advanced (4.2 km, 305 m). The latter has significant climbs: perhaps plan minimum 45-60 min for it. Trail shoes are recommended for the two longer courses; the Beginner route is less aggressive unless trails are wet and muddy.
You will get to see most of the Paskapoo Slopes sightseeing features - the Big Erratic, Buddhist Stupa, abandoned painted cars, ruins, many fresh springs, lush vegetation, and well trodden trails.
All maps are 1:7,500 scale.
THIS IS A HIGH USE MTB AREA :Paskapoo Slopes are a popular area for mountain biking - please watch out for cyclists while on course and be courteous; they have bigger mass and higher speed - and therefore much bigger momentum. Also watch out for other park users: humans, dogs, and wildlife.
- The Paskapoo parking lot we will be based at, called 'Olympic park parking' on google
- Street parking on the west side of Piita Rise SW (adjacent)
- Underground parking lot at Trinity Hills Shopping Mall (300m away)
- Street parking on Na'a Drive SW (400+m)
- Overground or Underground parking at Trinity Hill Tipi Plaza - Save on Foods, off Na'a Drive SW (1km)
There is no toilet or outhouse at the event site. Please plan ahead!
Wednesday Evening Orienteering (WEO) Event
- Regular orienteering on Wednesday evenings - this means in-person with control flags and SI units in the terrain from 6:30-8pm on the day of the event.
- At this point we are anticipating 20 events but this number is dependent on volunteer course planners.
- You will need an SI stick; you can borrow one from the club on the night of the event if you do not own one.
- You will have to pre-register for the events.
- The last day to register for each Wednesday event is the Monday evening before it to guarantee we have a map printed for you.
- You will need to be a 2024 member of Foothills Orienteering (FWOC), a 2024 member of another Canadian orienteering club, or pay the non-member event fee.
- We will be using Maprun so, if you registered for the event, you can run anytime if you do not want to run on the evening of the event.
- There will be about 20 Wednesday Orienteering Evenings in the series.
Wednesday Orienteering Payment Options
There are two ways to pay for the Wednesday Evening Orienteering (WEO) events:
- You can pay for each event separately, as late as the Monday before the event. Each event costs $5 per member or $10 for non-members.
- You can purchase a WEO Series Pass for $50 and pay for all the events at one time. You DO NOT have to attend all the events but if you might attend 11 or more then the WEO Season Pass is a good deal for you. If you know what events you will miss (because of vacation, for example), you can ask for a pdf of the map and run another time. There will be no WEO during the Canadian Orienteering Championships.
The family discount does not apply to the WEO Series Pass. The family discount (which you get when registering for individual events) is the better deal for very large families. The WEO Series Pass is the better deal for families of three if you plan to attend 12 + events. The WEO Series Pass provides a better discount for a family of four if you think you will all get to 15 + events
The WEO Series Pass only applies to Wednesday events; it does not apply to forest events not hosted on a Wednesday.
Registration for individual events and the WEO season pass will open soon.
NOTE: After having registered for an event, you can make changes to your course selection on the Interpodia (2M) website.
- Login.
- Go to "Event Registrations" section in the menu on the left side of the screen.
- Click on the “Manage” button on the event you want to revise.
- Click view/edit registration.
- Click on the edit button on Course Selection. Revise your selection there; for example, if you won't be able to attend unexpectedly, you can choose to get a map PDF instead.