Organizer: Bogi Gyorfi (Host)

Join us for a fun walk/ run in this beautiful Calgary Park!

Try-It participants need to register using the above link only, as we need to know how many maps to print and to sign the online waiver.

The location can be seen on the map below. Any questions for Try it: [email protected]

What to expect?

  • You will receive a brief instruction.
  • You can try a couple of learning activities
  • You will get a map and head out for a self-led map walk or run to try the beginner-orienteering course. All of this would take around 1 hour.
  • No previous experience is necessary, join us for this fun walk to explore Calgary's parks!
  • Children are welcome but parents must stay and supervise them during the whole event.



Photos are from Flickr. To add your photos to this section, tag your Flickr photos with: whyjustrun5517 (all one word)