FWOC AGM, Potluck, Orienteering Event (TNT/self-guided) Meeting
March 15th 2023 5:00pm - 9:00pm
Organizers: Tim McLaren (Event Director), Clarence Kort (Permit), David Campden (Course Planner)
Come learn about or get involved with Foothills Orienteering Club (FWOC) at St Andrews Heights Community Hall (see map below). A 2023 Club membership is required to participate in the TNT event and the potluck or to vote at the meeting.
7-8:30pm Annual General Meeting and election of Board of Directors.
6pm optional Potluck light meal - arrive at 6ish and bring whatever dish you want to share. We're aggressively casual on the potluck organization so all participants accept the risk of 20 marshmallow coconut jello salads. Meet some new orienteers.
5pm optional Fun TNT-style Self-guided Orienteering Training Event - arrive 5ish to run/walk this week's Toques 'n Training event in the surrounding area before the potluck. Maps will be available in the Hall at 5pm to current Foothills Orienteering members and also emailed to prior TNT registrants. If you have not registered for the TNT event series you are welcome to participate for this one, please email [email protected] so that we know how many maps to print. Anyone around will be happy to help explain the map if you are new.
For all attendees, please indicate which parts you will be attending by adding your name to the events listed on this page. This is not mandatory to attend any of the evening's events, but doing so will help our planning.
Newer members are especially welcome to learn more about how the Club operates (with your help).
To: All Voting (12 years of age or older) 2023 Members of the Foothills Wanderers Orienteering Club (FWOC) and any interested non-voting guests. Note: SOGO program registrants are group (non-voting) members of FWOC in the calendar year in which they are registered. Click here to purchase a membership.
This notice was sent to the contact email address (by bcc) for all 2022 and 2023 FWOC members. Please excuse any duplications and contact [email protected] with any corrections.
1. Notice - the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Foothills Wanderers Orienteering Club (FWOC) will be held on Tuesday March 15, 2022 at 7:00 PM Mountain Time at St. Andrews Heights Community Hall, Calgary, Canada.
Please join us beforehand for a fun TNT-style self-guided orienteering training session at 5pm followed by a potluck light meal in the hall at 6pm.
2. If you are unable to attend in person, you can join the meeting by Zoom video conference software (or by dial-in voice only if not voting), but you must register beforehand at this registration link to obtain your personal invitation link for joining the Zoom Meeting. You will need to join the meeting using a video camera to confirm your identity if you wish to vote or you can assign your vote to someone else attending in-person (see proxy voting instructions below). No registration is required to attend in-person - only if you are joining by Zoom or phone.
3. The meeting will be called to order as soon as possible once we verify attendees’ identity and voting eligibility. Per the attached Club Bylaws, at least 20% or 15 of the Voting Members is required for quorum.
4. The minutes of the previous AGM, annual report, and financial statements are available on the Club website or the links below:
- 2022 Foothills Orienteering Club Annual Report
- 2022 Foothills Orienteering Club Financial Statements
- AGM Mar 15 2022 Draft Minutes
5. Voting - In order to vote you must be 12 years of age or older and be a 2023 Member of FWOC or have been assigned a proxy vote (see below). Memberships are valid Jan 1st to Dec 31st of the current year. You will need to purchase a 2023 membership prior to the meeting unless you are an honorary lifetime member. Note: SOGO registrants are non-voting group members.
4. Proxy Votes - A Voting Member can assign their vote to the Secretary or anyone else attending the meeting in-person by submitting the 2023 Proxy Vote form at least 3 days before the meeting.
6. Meeting Agenda (tentative)
- Adopt the agenda
- Adopt the minutes of the previous AGM
- Consider the Executive Reports
- Review the financial statements and auditor’s report
- Other matters including update from Alberta Orienteering Association
- Volunteer recognition
- Elect the 2022 Board of Directors - nominations from the floor or sent to president@orienteeringcalgary.
ca are welcome - Appointing the 2023 auditors
- Other Questions