FWOC Bylaws, Resolutions, Policies, and Reports
Our Mission: The Foothills Wanderers Orienteering Club (FWOC) creates orienteering experiences for everyone to develop their passion for nature, physical activity, and mental challenge throughout their lives. (June 2024 Board Meeting)
Our Vision: The Foothills Wanderers Orienteering Club (FWOC) strives to build a community of confident, resilient people through recreational and competitive orienteering events, coaching, training, and social opportunities in a fun, safe, inclusive and environmentally-conscious manner. (June 2024 Board Meeting)
- Foothills Wanderers Orienteering Club (FWOC) Bylaws (most recent version was approved Apr 5 2022)
- FWOC Board Resolutions (2020-present) (resolutions of the Board)
- FWOC Board Special Resolutions (2020-present) (special resolution require vote by members with 75% in favour as well as assent by the Alberta Corporations Registrar)
- The following Foothills Orienteering policies can be found in FWOC Policy Guide:
- FWOC has adopted the following Orienteering Canada policies:
- Orienteering Canada Code of Conduct and Ethics (applies to all FWOC and AOA members)
- Social Media Policy (applies to all FWOC and AOA members)
- FWOC has adopted the following Alberta Orienteering Association (AOA) policies (note: FWOC members are also AOA members):
- Anti-Doping Policy
- Concussion Policy
- Conflict of Interest Policy
- Dispute Resolution and Appeal Policy
- Harassment Policy
- Inclusion, Equity and Access Policy
- Responsible Coaching Movement: Open and Observable Environment Policy
- Risk Management Policy (includes Event, Mapping, Bear Spray, and Wildlife Safety policies)
- Employee and Volunteer Screening Policy
- Volunteer Program Policy
- FWOC has created and adopted the following policies:
Additional Information and Reports
- Alberta Societies Act (governing provincial corporation regulations)
- Summary of Insurance Coverage from Orienteering Canada
- Safe Sport Framework from Alberta Orienteering Association
- learn.orienteeringcalgary.ca (GPS Orienteering and Training Information/Tutorials)
- members.orienteeringcalgary.ca (members-only permanent & GPS maps and courses)
- 2023 Foothills Orienteering Club Annual Report
- 2023 Foothills Orienteering Club Financial Statements
- AGM Mar 15 2023 Draft Minutes